Awareness: sum of specific states of consciousness of the objects-events, with knowledge and multi-code information (propositional and sensory images).
The Semantic Functional Theory and its application in elderly people who live alone. Cognitive accessibility and non-invasive cognitive prostheses for people with Intellectual Disability (ID).
(Chapters of doctoral thesis under preparation).
A question is raised to establish the Semantic Functional Theory and its application to develop support, cognitive accessibility and cognitive non-invasive prostheses in people with intellectual disabilities (ID): How can we develop the theoretical scientific grounds , and how can we create effective cognitive supports for the daily living (DL) of people with intellectual disability (ID), implementing a technology with efficient systems to assist elderly people who live alone, in order to increase their quality of life (QoL) in a quantitatively assessable way?
IN THE CURRENT PHD PROJECT you can read: <This project Consists in developing the foundation of a theory based in the Neuropsychological knowledge model, as well as the implementation of cognitive support, cognitive accessibility and prostheses. These are applied in sheltered housing for intellectually disabled people, with computer and peripheral supplements to provide support regarding their intellectual abilities, based on technological systems −conventional and advanced− and with the elaboration of operative knowledge. This permits to increase the quality of life of those affected, introducing intelligent indicators, with big data and deep learning, like systemic cognitive support>
Meaning, grounding, semantic network, knowledge, neural networks, intellectual disability, cognitive deterioration, brain injury, cognitive prosthesis, deep learning technology, artificial intelligence, reverse engineering, HCI, BCI.
Note: the most relevant key terms appear underlined.
- Introduction
The model of neuropsychological semiotic knowledge according to different authors and the profile of Intellectually Disabled people (ID) according to Quality of Life (QoL):
* World Health Organization definition of ID and QoL:
“Dementia is a syndrome caused by a brain disease, usually of chronic or progressive nature, in which there is a disturbance of multiple higher cortical functions including memory, thinking, sense of direction, comprehension, problem solving, learning, language and judgement. Consciousness is not clouded. Impairments of the cognitive function are commonly accompanied, and occasionally preceded, by deterioration in emotional control, social behaviour or motivation. This syndrome occurs in Alzheimer’s disease, cerebrovascular disease and other conditions primarily or secondarily affecting the brain.”
Quality of life (QoL) is the general well-being of individuals and societies, outlining negative and positive features of life. It observes life satisfaction, including everything from physical health, family, education, employment, wealth, safety and security to freedom, religious beliefs and environment.
Injury symptoms and neural networks (correlation between networks and brain lesions)
* CHC model (Cattell-Horn-Carrol) and IQ (intelligence quotient) are the main indicators of the disability degree in Intellectual Disease (ID) and cognitive deterioration equivalent to the ageing, the index is: ID (%) = 100- IQ (%); IQ correlates with a 0’74 index with verbal capacity. Verbal capacity is the most important function of communication, due to the language.
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